$ 100.11

Per OPT-IN User for a 180-day Data Rental Contract



You can now safely rent out your MasterCard data and financial information in the Data Markets.

About The “MasterCard” Data Market: Data Stocks Inc will broker and rent out the user’s MasterCard Authorized Data Points in order to convert data into money. With the user's input, the MasterCard applications and sessions can generate financial data and purchasing information, such as types of purchases, times of purchases, types of business interactions, purchase prices, credit limits, geolocation, durations, frequency of use, demographic data, grade factors, credit scores, carrier information, history, clicks, device type, and other data points of interest.

Business Purpose: Purchasing habits and financial activities can help businesses understand their customers, their competitors’ customers, and future customers. With these Authorized Data Points, businesses can determine if the MasterCard apps can be a strategic marketing channel, business insights, and research area of interest to consider and/or forecast growth trends.

Time & Delivery: Data Stocks Inc will broker and rent out the user’s MasterCard Authorized Data Points in order to convert data into money for a contractual period of 180 days, which equivalent of a 6-month contract.  During this period, the user’s MasterCard Authorized Data Points will be extracted and placed in a data rental platform where the requesting business or businesses use Big Data techniques and Business Intelligence (BI) software to view the data, without the ability to download that data for the user’s safety.


  1. Type of Purchases
    The types of purchases that the user makes during any MasterCard session or interaction.
  2. Times of Purchase
    The times of purchases that the user makes during any MasterCard session or interaction.
  3. Types of Businesses
    The types of businesses that the user interacts with during any MasterCard session or transaction.
  4. Purchase Prices
    The price paid for the purchases that the user makes during any MasterCard session or interaction.
  5. Demographic
    The demographic data of the user and associates in the MasterCard applications, sessions, and interactions.
  6. Duration
    The Time Duration of each MasterCard Session.
  7. Frequency of Use
    The frequency the MasterCard applications are activated for use.
  8. Credit Limits
    he analysis of credit limits that the user is allowed within their MasterCard Account.


  1. First Name
    The user’s First Name from MasterCard sessions or applications will not be shared nor displayed in a rental environment.
  2. Last Name
    The user’s Last Name from MasterCard sessions or applications will not be shared nor displayed in a rental environment.
  3. Email
    The user’s Email from MasterCard sessions or applications will not be shared nor displayed in a rental environment.
  4. Phone Number
    The user’s Phone Number from MasterCard sessions or applications will not be shared nor displayed in a rental environment.
  5. Physical Address
    The user’s Physical Address from MasterCard sessions or applications will not be shared nor displayed in a rental environment.
  6. Passwords
    If passwords is found in the user’s account, then it will be deleted upon detection and it will not be shared nor displayed in a rental environment.
  7. Billing Information
    If any billing information is found in the user’s account, then it will be deleted upon detection and it will not be shared nor displayed in a rental environment.
  8. Expiration Dates
    If the user’s credit/debit card expiration dates are found, then it will be deleted upon detection and it will not be shared nor displayed in a rental environment.

About Data Points: Your privacy, satisfaction, and money-making data is important to us. Thus, each data stock in the data markets will have a unique list of Authorized Data Points and Banned Data Points in order for the app users and Data Stocks Inc to safely rent out data and make money.  Authorized Data Points are data points that will be shared in the data deals in order to produce money for you and Data Stocks Inc.  Banned Data Points are data points that will be avoided, deleted if accidently collected, and/or will be denied from any data deals. Policies, Agreements, and Restrictions will apply. Please review them if you have any further inquiries.  No claim is made to the exclusive right to use "MasterCard" apart from the mark as shown.